No regrets – low-cost hybrid heat pumps

November, 2022

The No Regrets project tested a novel offer for deploying hybrid heat pumps in the UK.

Using the Renewable Heat Incentive and Assignment of Rights scheme, EDF were able to offer homeowners a hybrid heating system fully installed with the Passiv hybrid heat pump controls for just £100.

The project also trialled demand side response services, receiving a positive response from homeowners, with 79% saying they would be willing to take part in these services in the future.

Funded by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, the No Regrets Renewable Heating Project tested a novel offer for deploying hybrid heat pumps in the UK. The project was led by Passiv with EDF Energy and Energy Systems Catapult as partners.

The No Regrets project investigated routes to market for hybrid heat pumps, with the goal of increasing the proportion of electrified heating systems in the UK. Using the Renewable Heat Incentive and Assignment of Rights scheme, EDF were able to offer homeowners a hybrid heating system fully installed with the Passiv hybrid heat pump controls for just £100.

In total, 95 hybrid heating systems using Samsung heat pumps were installed by EDF. 43 of these homes went on to participate in a demand side response (DSR) trial using the Passiv controls. The controls were integrated with EDF’s PowerShift trading platform to offer DSR services. The No Regrets project also collected feedback to understand people’s experience with hybrid heat pumps.

The No Regrets project demonstrated the successful deployment of hybrid heating systems in UK homes. The Passiv Smart Energy Platform and hybrid heat pump controls optimised the systems against time of use tariffs, with the heat pumps utilised most during the cheaper tariff periods to deliver heating at the lowest possible cost.

The project demonstrated that a hybrid system could provide DSR services without causing consumer inconvenience or discomfort. During a DSR event, the Passiv controls can turn the heat pump off and use the boiler to warm the home instead. This process was fully automated and by linking the Passiv controls directly to EDF’s PowerShift trading platform, the heat pump flexibility could be directly traded into a range of energy markets.  The project showed a positive response from participants towards DSR, with 79% of respondents saying they would be willing to take part in these services in the future.